Teaching Digital Writing

Teaching Digital Writing

Teaching Digital Writing Seminar Series

A professional learning seminars for preservice teachers, early career teachers, practising teachers, HODs and out-of-field teachers.
Register Now

Seminar Series 24th October 
5 – 5:45pm, AEST
Delivered online

AITSL developments outcomes

About this Course

Would you like to hear about the latest research into English education and what it means for your classroom, faculty and school?

Deakin University, in partnership with the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE), is running three stand-alone online professional learning Hot Topics seminars in 2024. These seminars, led by expert researcher in the field, Associate Professor Lucinda McKnight, will provide an extensive and engaging overview of the most urgent, interesting and impactful research in English, on digital writing.

Why you should come:

  • access findings that are often behind journal paywalls, in a fast-paced and highly relevant format.
  • gain multiple practical ideas for how this research can be translated into classroom practice
  • share the implications of this research for your own context.
  • devise ways to adapt, transform or be inspired by new findings.
  • enjoy opportunities for professional discussion, debate and networking.
  • demonstrate your commitment to evidence-informed practice.

What you need to know:

  • the seminars will be recorded for participants’ access afterwards, and for those who are unable to attend in person.
  • different research will be covered in each session.
  • book for as many sessions as you like.

This October, Lucinda is leading three 45-minute Hot Topics online seminars to share the educational resources developed for the Australian Research Council Teaching Digital Writing in Secondary English project. This project involved developing digital writing labs in three fabulous Victorian schools and developing curriculum materials in collaboration with teaching teams.

Each of the three sessions will provide valuable and practical ideas for classroom teaching in relation to digital writing.


Aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

      • 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 7.4

Seminar One, 10 October, 2024, 5.00-5.45pm: Spoken Word YouTube Poetry

Engage students as poets, performers, directors, producers and videographers in the practice of creating spoken word poetry. Inspired by UK’s George the Poet, who became famous as a teenager, this session shares lesson plans and ideas for developing multiple skills and the confidence to present online.

Seminar Two, 17 October, 2024, 5.00-5.45pm: Platforms for Protest

Support students to find their voices through writing petitions for online platforms. This seminar grapples with teaching content creation, a form of digital writing which is central to the careers and lives of young people. How do you write readable, succinct and engaging text for the screen? Select and edit an image? Create a viable call to action in a website? Understand the role of platforms in constructing messages? Develop your own digital literacy skills and related pedagogies.

Seminar Three, 24 October, 5.00-5.45pm:
GenAI as Career Coach

Enter the brave new world of presenting the self for the workplace… with the involvement of generative AI. Creating jobskills-related documents has been disrupted by new technologies that require skilled decision making in relation to both maintaining privacy and being competitive in the jobs market. This seminar addresses vital workplace operational, cultural and critical literacies that all teachers, and students, need to have.

    To register for the programs, visit our registration page

    Other information, please visit Digital Writing Lab


    Dr Lucinda McKnight

    Dr Lucinda McKnight

    Associate Professor

    Dr Lucinda McKnight is a current Australian Research Council (ARC) Fellow undertaking a national study of the teaching of writing. She is an experienced English teacher and English teacher educator and current member of the Council for the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE). Lucinda presents locally, nationally and internationally on English education and publishes in a wide range of academic journals, including English in Australia, English in Education and Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education

    Teaching Digital Writing

    Hot Topics Seminar for English Teachers: Is generative AI hot… or sizzling?

    Hot Topics Seminar for English Teachers: Is generative AI hot… or sizzling?

    A professional learning seminar for Preservice teachers, early career teachers, practising teachers, HODs and out-of-field teachers.
    Register Now

    Monday 4th September
    5 – 5:45pm, AEST
    Cost: $40 p/p
    Delivered online

    AITSL developments outcomes

    About this Course

    Would you like to hear about the latest research into English education and what it means for your classroom, faculty and school?

    Deakin University, in partnership with the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE), is delivering online professional learning Hot Topics seminar in 2023. These seminars, led by Dr Lucinda McKnight and industry expert Leon Furze (both former English teachers), this seminar will bring teachers up to date with all the controversies, theories, strategies and tips for dealing with this latest massive change.

    Why you should come:

    • access findings that are often behind journal paywalls, in a fast-paced and highly relevant format.
    • gain multiple practical ideas for how this research can be translated into classroom practice
    • share the implications of this research for your own context.
    • devise ways to adapt, transform or be inspired by new findings.
    • enjoy opportunities for professional discussion, debate and networking.
    • demonstrate your commitment to evidence-informed practice.

    What you need to know:

    • the seminars will be recorded for participants’ access afterwards, and for those who are unable to attend in person.
    • different research will be covered in each session.
    • the fee for each session is for cost recovery only.

    Aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

        • 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 7.4

      Cost: $40 p/p 


      To register for the programs, visit our registration page


      Dr Lucinda McKnight

      Dr Lucinda McKnight

      Senior Lecturer

      Dr Lucinda McKnight is a current Australian Research Council (ARC) Fellow undertaking a national study of the teaching of writing. She is an experienced English teacher and English teacher educator and current member of the Council for the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE). Lucinda presents locally, nationally and internationally on English education and publishes in a wide range of academic journals, including English in Australia, English in Education and Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education

      Leon Furze

      Leon Furze

      Leon Furze is a PhD student, experienced educator, consultant and educational writer. Leon has taught English, Literature and Digital Technologies in Australia and the UK for over fifteen years, and was formerly a Director of Learning and Teaching. In 2016 he completed his Master of Education at the University of Melbourne, focusing on how Professional Learning can mitigate the risk of burnout in teachers. His PhD is focused on the professional and practical implications of Generative AI for teachers.

      Teaching Digital Writing

      New Evidence-informed Practice in English Teaching

      Hot Topics: New Evidence-informed Practice in English Teaching

      Professional learning for teachers
      Register Now

      Hot Topics End-of-year Update: Thursday 10th November
      5 – 5:45pm, AEST
      Cost: $30 p/p
      Delivered online

      AITSL developments outcomes

      About this Course

      Would you like to hear about the latest research into English education and what it means for your classroom, faculty and school?

      Deakin University, in partnership with the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE), is running two stand-alone online professional learning Hot Topics seminars in 2022. These seminars, led by expert researcher in the field, Dr Lucinda McKnight, will provide an extensive and engaging overview of the most urgent, interesting and impactful research in English.

      Why you should come:

      • access findings that are often behind journal paywalls, in a fast-paced and highly relevant format.
      • gain multiple practical ideas for how this research can be translated into classroom practice
      • share the implications of this research for your own context.
      • devise ways to adapt, transform or be inspired by new findings.
      • enjoy opportunities for professional discussion, debate and networking.
      • demonstrate your commitment to evidence-informed practice.

      What you need to know:

      • the seminars will be recorded for participants’ access afterwards, and for those who are unable to attend in person.
      • different research will be covered in each session.
      • the fee for each session is for cost recovery only.
      • book for one or both sessions.

      Aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

          • 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 7.4

        Cost: $30 p/p 


        To register for the programs, visit our registration page


        Dr Lucinda McKnight

        Dr Lucinda McKnight

        Senior Lecturer

        Dr Lucinda McKnight is a current Australian Research Council (ARC) Fellow undertaking a national study of the teaching of writing. She is an experienced English teacher and English teacher educator and current member of the Council for the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE). Lucinda presents locally, nationally and internationally on English education and publishes in a wide range of academic journals, including English in Australia, English in Education and Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education

        Economics + Maths = Financial Capability 2022

        Economics + Maths = Financial Capability 2022

        Economics + Maths = Financial Capability

        Registrations for 2022 have closed.
        To express an interest in learning with us in 2023, email pledhub@deakin.edu.au

        AITSL developments outcomes

        About this Course

        This series aims to boost your knowledge and confidence for teaching economics and finance topics in Year 7-10.

        • Informed by research and designed by leading education scholars;
        • Online study via Zoom with independent, live and small-group activities from the comfort of home or school;
        • Supported by topical teaching ideas and resources mapped to the Australian Curriculum;
        • Aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

        Seminars explore emerging financial trends, such as:

        • Teenage tap n go
        • All fun and games? A focus on music, entertainment and gaming subscriptions
        • The real cost of buying now and paying later
        • Climate-conscious consumption: A focus on renewable energy
        • Climate-conscious consumption: A focus on new fashion trends

        What teachers are saying:

        • “Carly and Jill have done the hard yards, and that what they’re doing is evidence based. They’ve reminded me that there are things that our students are interested in and doing that I don’t know about. It’s been a bit mind-blowing, really. They’ve come up with some really great ideas – things that I’ve never thought about before.” English and Humanities teacher 
        • “I’ve not seen anything like this offered before. So I was curious. I didn’t know what I didn’t know! This course has given me some of the financial vocabulary and some of the context that I’ve been missing. There are so many new products and services that are vital for students to understand now. Thanks for your engaging presentations and original ideas. I think this is an incredible initiative!” Commerce and Mathematics teacher 
        • “I absolutely loved this course! I really liked the idea of bringing humanities and maths together. Maybe we should be working together more?” Maths and Science teacher 

        Delivered in Partnership with the Ecstra Foundation

        Deakin University received funding from the Ecstra Foundation to deliver this program in 2021-22.



        Dr Carly Sawatzki

        Dr Carly Sawatzki


        Dr Carly Sawatzki is a teacher educator and educational researcher in Deakin University’s School of Education. She has more than 15 years’ experience working with preservice and practising teachers in primary and secondary school settings. Carly’s research explores how young people become financially capable within families, communities, and schools and how best to support teacher professional learning in this area. She has rapidly gained national and international recognition for her research, which focuses on the design of financial tasks at the intersection of humanities and mathematics. Her work is distinctly “real world” and supportive of teachers, including those teaching out-of-field. Carly has published in prestigious international journals and led curriculum and research consultancies for Australian government agencies. She is regularly engaged by teacher associations and schools, being recognised as a dynamic, thought-provoking presenter who challenges thinking, promotes critical conversation and inspires innovation. Carly writes for The Conversation, EduResearch Matters, Teacher Magazine, EducationHQ and is regularly interviewed by ABC Radio.

        Dr Jill Brown is a teacher educator and educational researcher in Deakin University’s School of Education. Jill has more than 20 years’ experience in higher education, where she has focused on mathematics and mathematics education for pre-service and practising teachers (including out-of-field teachers) in early childhood, primary and secondary settings. Jill’s research in the field of mathematical modelling, the teaching and learning of functions, and the use of digital technologies by teachers and students is internationally recognised. She is an elected member on the International Executive of the International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications (ICTMA), a member of the expert panel for the International Mathematical Modelling Challenge (IMMC), and a member of the Australian IMMC advisory team and judging panel.

        Dr Jill Brown

        Dr Jill Brown

        Lecturer and Course Director

        Differentiated/Play-Based Inquiry Learning in the Early Years of Schooling

        Differentiated/Play-Based Inquiry Learning in the Early Years of Schooling

        Differentiated/Play-Based Inquiry Learning in the Early Years of Schooling

        Tuesday March 23rd

        The Department of Education and Training in partnership with Deakin University is delivering the Differentiated/Play-Based Inquiry Learning in the Early Years of Schooling Professional Learning Program designed to support a clear progression in teacher knowledge and inquiry to inform practice.

        The Professional Learning Program will develop and strengthen teachers’ knowledge and understandings of the role of play and inquiry in children’s lives and learning. This knowledge is essential to enable teachers to engage in planning, teaching and assessing children’s learning within a play-based approach in the primary school context.

        For more on this program, click here

        Economics + Maths = Financial Capability 2022

        Economics + Maths = Financial Capability

        Economics + Maths = Financial Capability

        Boost your knowledge and confidence for teaching economics and finance topics in Year 7-10 humanities and social sciences and mathematics

        Details : Past Event, June-Sept 2021, Cost: $350 p/p : Delivered online

        *Staff and student discounts apply

        AITSL developments outcomes
        Self Directed

        About this Course

        Why choose this course

        This thought-provoking six-part series aims to challenge what it means to be financially capable and promote research-informed teaching ideas and strategies.

        Boost your knowledge and confidence for teaching economics and finance topics in Year 7-10 humanities and social sciences and mathematics

        Learn about emerging financial trends and gain access to innovative classroom resources for exploring problems and issues that matter to young people, like:

        • “How can I keep track of money in a cashless society?”
        • “How can I tell if the option to buy now and pay later is a good idea for me?”
        • “How can I purchase and invest more ethically?”

        Study online 

        Enjoy independent, live and small-group activities from the comfort of your home or school office.

        Gain formal recognition of your learning

        This course is aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

        Take the option to be assessed for the award of a DeakinCo Professional Practice credential.

        Aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

        • 2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
        • 2.2 Content selection and organisation
        • 2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting

        Delivered in Partnership with the Ecstra Foundation and Teacher Associations

        Deakin University has received funding from the Ecstra Foundation and is working in partnership with The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Business Educators Australasia, The Victorian Commercial Teachers Association and The Mathematical Association of Victoria. This project has received Deakin University ethics approval (Reference Number: HAE-21-043).



        Session 1
        Curriculum and pedagogy for developing financial capability

         Wednesday 2nd June, 4 – 5.30pm


        Session 2
        Teenage Tap n Go
        Wednesday 16th June, 4 – 5.30pm
        Session 3
        All fun and games? A focus on music, entertainment and gaming subscriptions
        Wednesday 21st July, 4 – 5.30pm
        Session 4
        The real cost of buying now and paying later
        Wednesday 4th August, 4 – 5.30pm
        Session 5
        Climate-conscious consumption: A focus on renewable energy
        Wednesday 18th August, 4 – 5.30pm
        Session 6
        Climate-conscious consumption: A focus on new fashion trends 
        Wednesday 1st September, 4 – 5.30pm

        Cost: $350 p/p 

        *Staff , students and teachers association 20% discount apply. Please email pledhub@deakin.edu.au for link


        To register for this program, visit our registration page

        Registrations will remain open until 11th June


        Dr Carly Sawatzki

        Dr Carly Sawatzki


        Dr Carly Sawatzki works in the School of Education at Deakin University. She is interested in how young people become financially capable within families, communities, and schools. She is rapidly gaining national and international recognition for her research, which focuses on how young people think, feel and respond to financial problems at the intersection of economics and mathematics. Carly has published in prestigious international journals and led curriculum and research consultancies for Australian government agencies. She is regularly engaged by teacher associations, being recognised as a dynamic, thought-provoking presenter who challenges thinking, promotes critical conversation and inspires innovation. Carly provides expert comment for The Conversation, EduResearch Matters and EducationHQ and ABC Radio.

        Dr Jill Brown works in the School of Education at Deakin University. She is the Course Director for Deakin’s Graduate Certificate in Secondary Mathematics, supporting the professional learning of out-of-field mathematics teachers in partnership with the Victorian Department of Education. Jill’s university teaching focuses on mathematics and mathematics education for pre-service teachers in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary settings as well as postgraduate study for practising teachers. She is internationally recognised for her research exploring mathematical modelling, the teaching and learning of functions, and the use of digital technologies by teachers and students. Jill is an elected member on the International Executive of the International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications (ICTMA), a member of the expert panel for the International Mathematical Modelling Challenge (IMMC), and contributes to the Australian IMMC advisory team and judging panel.

        Dr Jill Brown

        Dr Jill Brown

        Lecturer and Course Director