An Introduction to Social Network Analysis for Crime Analysts

An Introduction to Social Network Analysis for Crime Analysts

An Introduction to Social Network Analysis for Crime Analysts

Register now

Dates: Thursday 15th May & Friday 16th May 2025
10am – 4.30pm
Hybrid delivery via zoom and face to face
Venue: Deakin Downtown Melbourne
Cost: $430 p/p


Self Directed

About this Program

This course aims to introduce participants to the application of social network analysis to crime and criminal groups. It offers an overview of the application of network approaches to the work of law enforcement, an assessment of empirical work examining and explaining specific forms of criminality (e.g., cybercrime, terrorism, organised crime), as well as applied methodological and analytical training in the interpretation of network crime data. The course has an applied focus, with specific examples of data and analysis selected for relevance to the work of crime analysts.

Educational Aims

The course has the following educational aims:

  • Introduce participants to the central concepts relevant social network analysis.
  • Provide an advanced conceptual and applied understanding of the how criminal networks form, operate and proliferate in various contexts.
  • Examine the practical implications of research into criminal networks for criminal investigations and crime disruption.

To accomplish these educational objectives, participants will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • To become familiar with key theoretical principles and empirical research surrounding the study of criminal networks
  • To explore in-depth international case studies and apply network principles to the study of crime in specific contexts (e.g., gang crime, organised crime, terrorism, cybercrime)
  • To analyse and interpret social network data (e.g., to determine targets for intelligence collection, disruption)

To become aware of key debates surrounding the analysis and disruption of criminal networks


To register for this program, click here

If you have 3 or more participants, please contact for a discount.

Program staff

Professor David Bright is a criminologist and forensic psychologist. His research interests include criminal networks, organised crime, and illicit markets (e.g., drugs, firearms). He runs the Deakin Covert Networks Lab which conducts ground-breaking research using social network analysis and related approaches to study organised criminal groups and terrorist groups. Professor Bright has been Chief Investigator on five consecutive Australian Research Council (ARC) funded projects in addition to projects funded by industry and government. He is currently appointed to the ARC College of Experts. Professor Bright is the author (with Professor Chad Whelan) of Organised Crime and Law Enforcement: A Network Perspective, published by Routledge in 2021, which applies a network theoretical lens to organised crime.

Deakin Professional Learning Education Hub

Supporting Oral Language Development in the Early Years of School

Supporting Oral Language Development in the Early Years of School

Supporting Oral Language Development in the Early Years of School

A self-paced online professional learning program for teachers

Self-paced online professional learning
Opens: Feb 2025

Cost: $1300 p/p

AITSL developments outcomes

Introduction to SOLD in Schools

The Supporting Oral Language Development in the Early Years of School Program supports teachers to enhance their knowledge in developing young children’s oral language skills. The program aims to:

  • build teachers understandings of oral language
  • use research and collegial advice about how children learn language
  • focus on diversity and promote practices particular to building children’s oral language
  • identify aspects of teachers’ talk that are conducive to developing young children’s oral language
  • reflect on, and critique, practices that specifically aim to support children’s oral language
  • build a repertoire of effective research-based practices that will support children’s oral language learning and development
  • use evidence, including mapping against frameworks, to assess and inform practice

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) acknowledge the importance of building children’s oral language and communication. Research tells us that children entering school with low levels of oral language are at risk of long-term academic, social, emotional and health consequences, and lower employment prospects.

Closing the educational achievement gap for the next generation requires significant commitment and investment to assist all children to achieve their educational potential. Young children’s home and childhood environments are important in scaffolding their oral language as a precursor to the development of literacy skills. Therefore, by increasing teachers’ awareness of the influences that enhance children’s oral language and communication, practice can be tailored to make it more meaningful in improving children’s language, literacy, and social outcomes.
Aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

  • 2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
  • 2.2 Content selection and organisation
  • 2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting


14 self-paced modules available online via a cloud platform.
Cost: $1300.00 p/p 

To register for this program, visit our Registration page

Got questions, please email

Watch the introduction video

Sneek peek at the program modules

Academic Staff

Professor Louise Paatsch

Professor Louise Paatsch

Professor Louise Paatsch is the Deputy Director of Deakin University’s Strategic Research Centre in Education – Research for Educational Impact (REDI). Her research focuses on children’s and young people’s communication, language, pretend play, and literacy development, with a strong focus on metapragmatic and pragmatic language use and the link to social communication.

She also investigates teacher’s talk patterns and intention teaching practices in supporting children’s and young people’s communication, language and play abilities. Louise also undertakes research that focuses on the communication, spoken language and literacy abilities of deaf and hard-of-hearing children and young people. She also works with teachers and educators to explore their own practices as reflective researchers to support positive outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Professor Andrea Nolan is a Professor of Early Childhood Education in the School of Education, Deakin University, Australia. She has worked on a number of State, National and international projects concerning literacy development, program evaluation, and the professional learning of teachers.

Since 2007, she has produced a significant body of research focusing on the capabilities of the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workforce with a specific interest in the professional learning of teachers. Andrea has researched the impact of the current Australian reform agenda on professional identities, mentoring, inter-professional work, and reflective practice. Educator practice is a complementary theme to her research where she has focused on young children’s language development, transition to school practices, and practice that improves outcomes for children and families.

Professor Andrea Nolan

Professor Andrea Nolan

Supporting Oral language Development Program

Education Support Professional Certificate 2025

Education Support Professional Certificate 2025

Education Support Professional Certificate

Make a positive impact in the lives of children with disabilities by working as an Educational Support officer (Integration Aide or Teacher Aide).
Register Now

Program is delivered over 5 days.
Next course available Feb 2025, Online via zoom

AITSL developments outcomes


Self Directed


About this Course

Increasingly, more children with disabilities are enrolled in local schools and Educational Support staff (Integration and Teacher Aides) continue to play an important role in inclusive education.

Not only will you gain invaluable knowledge, but you’ll also develop a strong skillset to help children with disabilities to learn and develop.


On completion of this course, participants will be awarded an Education Support Professional Certificate

Who is this course for?

If you’d like to increase your understanding of, and involvement with, children with disabilities then this course could be for you.

No entry requirements are needed so we encourage anyone that’s interested to apply. Our students come from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences including those who are:

  • already working as Integration or Teacher Aides
  • parents or care givers of children with disabilities
  • looking to change careers
  • students out of school who’d like to gain further skills and learn more about education
  • ex- teachers who have out-of-date qualifications but who’d like to return to working with children
  • parents who’ve been raising children and would like to re-enter the workforce in a job that offers flexible working hours.
  • Deakin University students


As a well-recognised program in both government and non-government schools, this course will help you develop your understanding about children with additional needs and the practices and processes which may support their development. This program also build knowledge and skills in relation to working with teachers and students in a collaborative student support approach to improve students outcomes.


Specifically, you’ll:

  • gain knowledge and skills about inclusive learning practices for children with disabilities
  • develop an understanding of a wide range of disabilities and their impact upon learning and social development
  • increase your skills in assisting teachers to implement inclusive education practices
  • enhance your knowledge and skillset in the employment roles of Integration and Teacher Aide positions
  • further your understanding of the current state-wide curriculum and education sector initiatives.

Course topics

This program will teach you current practices of working with children in schools and the latest approaches to learning. Whilst a formal qualification isn’t yet compulsory to work in this field, your career will benefit from the wealth of knowledge and insights that the course presenters – Deakin’s academic staff from the School of Education – can share with you.

Our presenters are highly experienced in the disability field and have worked as both teachers and school principals. They’ve been training Integration Aides for many years and cover course topics such as:

  • attitudes towards disability
  • specific kinds of disability
  • impact of disabilities upon learning and social development
  • childhood development and learning styles
  • current initiatives in the state-wide curriculum (VELS)
  • inclusive learning and teaching strategies
  • ITC in the schooling context
  • behaviour management strategies
  • working in professional teams
  • applying for Aide positions.


We focus on offering a friendly and supportive learning environment, which especially helps those who’ve not studied for a while to feel comfortable and relaxed.

Sessions involve lots of small group work and discussions, encouraging students to work cooperatively. Instead of exams and tests, assignments are used to gauge your understanding, with plenty of individual support offered to each student. Assignments are highly practical and we offer flexibility around submission dates.

Course dates

The Course is held over 5 days,
9.30am – 3pm

Course 1 2025, Online. Cost: $867.36

  1. Wednesday 19th Feb
  2. Thursday 20th Feb
  3. Monday 24th Feb
  4. Tuesday 25th Feb
  5. Wednesday 26th Feb


To register for this course, visit our online payment system and follow the prompts.

The total cost is $867.36 and payment via credit card is required upfront before the course begins, using our online payment system.

Refund and withdrawal

To be eligible for a full refund, we need to receive an application to withdraw from the course at least 4 weeks before it begins. Participants withdrawing outside of this notice period or after the course has started will have to pay a $150 administration fee.

Cancellation of courses

Deakin University maintains the right to cancel the course if minimum participation numbers aren’t reached. In this case, participants will be notified before class begins and payments already made will be fully refunded.

Entry Requirements

  • No prerequisites are required for this course.
  • Participants must attend all sessions unless exceptional circumstances are demonstrated.
  • Practical assessment tasks are set. You must possess a satisfactory level of English written and communication skills to complete the assessment tasks.
  • We expect you to have basic computer skills to support your learning.


On completion of this course, participants will be awarded an Education Support Professional Certificate. 

Recognition of prior learning

At the end of this professional learning course, Deakin University students who are currently undertaking an undergraduate teaching program can elect to do a formal assessment task to accrue one credit point towards an elective unit.
The cost is $200.
Please contact Professional Learning Education Hub on


  • Taking part in the Education Support Professional Certificate course has been a game-changer for me after a 20-year career in another field. Now, it’s my purpose to support children with learning difficulties and assist teachers in creating inclusive classrooms. Landing a full-time position at a local primary school is a dream come true, and I’m eagerly anticipating the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students. This course equipped me with the skills and knowledge I need for this new chapter, and I can’t wait to embark on this purposeful career journey. Louise Johnson
  • I applied for a full-time secondary role on the last day of the course and the knowledge I was able to bring to my answers in the interview was purely because of what I had learned.
  • I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is wanting to understand but also broaden their perspective on children with disabilities. This course offers lots of content and can teach the key principles in becoming a teacher aide. Nadia
  • Completed the course in 2021 and applied for a position at a school locally and was successful.


  • Is this program accredited? 
    Accreditation normally refers to VET course accreditation. Deakin University is not a VET provider, but a tertiary education provider. A formal qualification is not currently required to work in this field in Victoria. However, study in this area will greatly benefit your career prospects.

  • Is there a placement requirement for this course? 
    Mandatory school placement is not compulsory in the Education Support Professional Certificate.

    This course is approved by the Board of Faculty of Education 


Dr Kaye Scott

Dr Kaye Scott

Facilitator and Lecturer

Dr Kaye Scott is a casual academic at Deakin University, teaching and researching in the areas of literacy, deaf education and inclusion. Her doctorial thesis focuses on the relationship between reading comprehension, Theory of Mind and reading metaknowledge skills in deaf and hard of hearing students. Kaye holds a special interest in linking research to policy, a passion sparked when completing an Executive Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Melbourne.

As a teacher, Kaye has worked in various educational roles in country and city locations, in general and special education. She has held positions as a generalist teacher, specialist teacher and as a leader in schools. Her experience includes an extensive period as a literacy specialist and as a visiting (itinerant) teacher of the deaf. She established the Brighton Hearing Unit in Melbourne and was a founding member of the Victorian Deaf Education Institute (VDEI) in the Department of Education in Victoria.

Kaye is an Associate Review Editor for the Deafness & Education International journal and reviews articles for several international journals. She is the current chairperson of the National Association of Australian Teachers of the Deaf, and over the past ten years has presented at a number of national and international conferences.

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