Supporting Oral Language Development in the Early Years of School

A self-paced online professional learning program for teachers

Self-paced online professional learning
Opens: Feb 2025

Cost: $1300 p/p

AITSL developments outcomes

Introduction to SOLD in Schools

The Supporting Oral Language Development in the Early Years of School Program supports teachers to enhance their knowledge in developing young children’s oral language skills. The program aims to:

  • build teachers understandings of oral language
  • use research and collegial advice about how children learn language
  • focus on diversity and promote practices particular to building children’s oral language
  • identify aspects of teachers’ talk that are conducive to developing young children’s oral language
  • reflect on, and critique, practices that specifically aim to support children’s oral language
  • build a repertoire of effective research-based practices that will support children’s oral language learning and development
  • use evidence, including mapping against frameworks, to assess and inform practice

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) acknowledge the importance of building children’s oral language and communication. Research tells us that children entering school with low levels of oral language are at risk of long-term academic, social, emotional and health consequences, and lower employment prospects.

Closing the educational achievement gap for the next generation requires significant commitment and investment to assist all children to achieve their educational potential. Young children’s home and childhood environments are important in scaffolding their oral language as a precursor to the development of literacy skills. Therefore, by increasing teachers’ awareness of the influences that enhance children’s oral language and communication, practice can be tailored to make it more meaningful in improving children’s language, literacy, and social outcomes.
Aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

  • 2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
  • 2.2 Content selection and organisation
  • 2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting


14 self-paced modules available online via a cloud platform.
Cost: $1300.00 p/p 

To register for this program, visit our Registration page

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Watch the introduction video

Sneek peek at the program modules

Academic Staff

Professor Louise Paatsch

Professor Louise Paatsch

Professor Louise Paatsch is the Deputy Director of Deakin University’s Strategic Research Centre in Education – Research for Educational Impact (REDI). Her research focuses on children’s and young people’s communication, language, pretend play, and literacy development, with a strong focus on metapragmatic and pragmatic language use and the link to social communication.

She also investigates teacher’s talk patterns and intention teaching practices in supporting children’s and young people’s communication, language and play abilities. Louise also undertakes research that focuses on the communication, spoken language and literacy abilities of deaf and hard-of-hearing children and young people. She also works with teachers and educators to explore their own practices as reflective researchers to support positive outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Professor Andrea Nolan is a Professor of Early Childhood Education in the School of Education, Deakin University, Australia. She has worked on a number of State, National and international projects concerning literacy development, program evaluation, and the professional learning of teachers.

Since 2007, she has produced a significant body of research focusing on the capabilities of the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workforce with a specific interest in the professional learning of teachers. Andrea has researched the impact of the current Australian reform agenda on professional identities, mentoring, inter-professional work, and reflective practice. Educator practice is a complementary theme to her research where she has focused on young children’s language development, transition to school practices, and practice that improves outcomes for children and families.

Professor Andrea Nolan

Professor Andrea Nolan

Supporting Oral language Development Program